
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I am back.....

.........from the Olympic Dream! To be more precise the whole Silvermonk family came back from the TV land.

I was always a very sporty person and love just about any kinds of sports. In my school days, i used to play volley ball, basket ball ,soft ball and table tennis. I probably would not survived my secondary school years without table tennis. When the bell rang, i would be the first one rushed out of the classroom and sweated over the little white ball. In any kind of sport, there is a beauty about the movement of the body when it strikes a balance and i really enjoy that moment when it comes.

My best memory about playing table tennis was when i went to the training sessions at night in the late 60s and early 70s ( in China ). After each training, they would served us a bowl of hot rice soup loaded with sugar ( made from sugar cane). In those day, food was not as abundant as today, and that bowl of silky rice soup was indeed food from haven and i doubt i ever missed one training session. I still remember the sweetness of the rice soup until these day.....

A sporting event like this is a good place for people to know each other, we watched every single country that paraded into the stadium and wonder where they all came from and we found them on the map......

Now that the Olympic curtain is drawn, I better chain myself to the work bench and seriously playing with the new materials and some gemstones that i just got......


Anonymous said...

we are missing the olympics. we watched faithfully every night. then we watched the democratic convention all week, it ended thursday night. tonight we were walking around here mumbling that there was not one single good show on tonight.

i am so jealous of your work bench. gust and i are in the process of cleaning out our garage and then he is going to build me a smallish bench out there for me to do my torch work.

i can not wait to see what you create next.

glad to hear from you. i have missed you.

take care

SilverMonk said...

Hi Misti, I understand the feeling exactly........

The bench is a mess, but that's the way to go......

I would love to have a proper studio!
Can wait to see what he is going to make you!
