
Thursday, October 02, 2008

Sydney Children's Festival

It's the much needed school holidays again.........

We normally go to the Power House museum, but this time the Sydney Children's Festival just literally around the corner from our place and its all happening in the Carriageworks !

We went to see the Jungle Fever and really enjoyed it!
There are lots of other free events and activities happening in the main foyer as well.

We might pop back in again next week..........

Talk about Carriageworks, they are planning a market on the site and you know how much i love having a stall in the market.
I've already put my hands up and hopefully they will get it all organise and in time for the X'mas season!

Did I just mention the word X'mas, I am not joking, the big department store in the city ( Myer) already have their decorations out.....

OK! OK! That's enough for today!

1 comment:

msbelle said...

Christmas starts earlier and earlier every year it seems. I can't believe the decorations I'm already seeing here too. Guess it's that way all over the globe. We have to start now to get ready for the selling season and I'm just not in very good shape this year to make a whole lot. I'm afraid it's not going to be a very good year for me but we'll see.