The summer holiday is truly over . it was all a big "blur" for me! We almost spend the whole time stay at home and it turns out to be the most relxaing holiday we have for a long time.
We went to Bronte beach a few times and Gabriel absolutely love it! ( In his own words: " During the holidays, I went to the each and the beach was so fun. It was so fun that I wonted(wanted) to stay). He is still too scare to put his head in the water though. We are more of a bush people than the beach people, now that the young man having such a great time and let himself lose on the beach, may be we should do the same!
The new school term start today, young man will be in year 1 and i can't wait to have my 4 hrs un-interruped day between school and classes to concentrate on making some new designs!
I live mostly in my head so structure is good for me, keep me on the ground......
"Persistant" is the word for me this year!
Oh, he's in first grade. That's great! He's a smart boy, you can tell by what you've told us and by seeing that video. He'll do just fine. It will be great for you to have your time to get work done. I know how you feel! Spring is coming soon in this hemisphere and we will be outside riding bikes and going to the park. You will be heading into fall soon. Gabriel will get back into the swing of things just as you will.
Thanks Ginger! After the confusing first week, we are all in good shape now.
Can't wait to see Kevin in action on the bike!
Gabriel had a bike too but he's not to keen on it!
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