
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Kisses and Hugs!

A piece of jewellery inspired by nature, by the rock structures on the east coast of Australia.

During my Art School years, I used to take train trips down to Austinmer beach. It was a very small and quiet beach with some beautiful rock formations. I tried to find some of the photos that i took during all those trips to show you, but without any luck! Now you have to use your imagination........

Nature never cease to shower us with beauty and wisdom, in return we say thank you with kisses and hugs!

This pendant looks good on both man and woman. I really like the organic feel of it.
I think they are my new favourite until the next one.......


msbelle said...

Very cool piece! And I love the inspiration behind it. I hope you find your pictures. It would be great to see them. And I'm sure you don't want to lose them!!

Say hi to Gabriel and Mr. Silvermonk!

SilverMonk said...

Thanks Ginger! Every time when i think of the message behind the pieice, it puts smiles on my face.
I think the photos are somewhere in one of the boxes under the stair case!

Candace said...

This is my first time visiting your blog and taking in your Etsy shop. Wow! Your jewelry is just beautiful!! I love all your pieces and will be back to visit to see more.

SilverMonk said...

Thanks Candace for stopping by, your visit is much appreciated!

Gillian said...

once again the way you design amazes me.. it's like the light becomes part of your art, it adds so much dimension to your pieces...

Love this about your Art!