
Saturday, March 01, 2008

Lunch Order

Lunch Order, originally uploaded by silvermonk.

In the last week or so, the young man's school lunch box were untouched. He didn't eat a thing the whole time during school hrs. The sandwich, the drink, the fruit.......
I was a bit unhappy, but didn't say too much apart from the fact that there are a lot of boys in Africa go to school with empty stomach. Being a 6 years old, he replied why didn't we just sent them the food? Good question!

When i was a child about his age and lived in a tropical island in China ( during cultural revolution), i was constantly looking for food in the wild to fill my empty stomach. One of the thing that i did was to set lizard traps on the way to school and checked on them on the way back.......

I tried to pack something different but the lunch box still came back almost untouched.......

So i asked what's going on? Why didn't you eat your lunch?
"I am busy Mum, there is not enough time to play bull rush if i ate my lunch......"

I was fuming, but I told myself that a hungry boy will eat his lunch no matter what and if he didn't, he'S probably not hungry! By the way, he is the tallest boy in his class and looks healthy. I shouldn't worry too much!

Things got a bit out of hand when i picked him up at 3:00 pm the other day, he was so exhausted that he can hardly put a sentence together.
I rushed him home and made him banana smothie and pancakes and preaching him about the fact that his body is running out of energy and he needs to eat his lunch......

The next day, i put in a lunch order ( fish and fries ) for him so that he can at least survived the Karate class after school until 4:30 pm!

I don't know if lunch order is the way to go, but he loves his lunch order though.
To be honest, i don't like sandwich. i like hot food, give me noodles and i will be happy for the rest of my life!


msbelle said...

It's hard to get them to eat what they're supposed to eat. I know. I've been there too. Kevin's lunch will sometimes come home almost completely intact as well. When I asked him what he did during lunch he will say "this week I'm the table wiper so there's not a lot of time to eat" or "this week I was the caboose in line" meaning he was the last in line and there wasn't enough time. So when he comes home I always fix him a snack too which basically resembles lunch all over again. If he's hungry, he'll eat it. If he's not, he won't. I'm like you. I figure when they start running out of energy they'll get hungry and let us know! It sounds like Gabriel must be getting enough if he's doing all those extracurricular activities!

SilverMonk said...

I am all for food (dinner table) is not a battle field. He is not big on food, but he eat his breakfast and dinner!

He is a very active boy, he needs knees massage every night when he goes to bed....

He also complains there's all works and no play in the class, so he definitely don't want to give up play time for food!

Fair enough!

Gillian said...

What a stark contrast between your childhood and your sons, We are blessed in Australia to be able to choose if we eat or not...

I can't imagine eating a lizard, or being hungry enough to want to..
fish and fries sound much better :)

SilverMonk said...

your are right, we are very lucky, indeed!