
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Gabriel's Drawing......

Gabriel's Drawing......, originally uploaded by silvermonk.

Gabriel and his Dad went to The Rose Seidler House,designed by Harry Seidler in 1948 for his parents.

He got very excited about doing some sketches of the house.......

what a beautiful sketch!

We made a big fuss whenever Gabriel draws a picture because he is always busy with his Lego toys, his piano and his sports. I myself prefer making things (jewellery) rather than drawing on paper and it's all up to his Dad to encourage him to draw.

I wish i was there. i love looking at open house, the interior and how the space works.
Well, i was having a fantastic day in the Kirribilli art and design market, and i think it is good for them to have a father and son adventure every now and then!


msbelle said...

This is a great drawing! He did such a wonderful job! The perspective is awesome.

I don't think there's anything Gabriel won't be able to do if he puts his mind to it. He seems quite versatile and very artistic. It just makes me smile to see what your boy can do.

I like it too, when Kevin goes with his daddy to do things. The weekends are their time together. Sometimes they'll go to the playground or hiking, and last weekend they went to see a movie together. They play a lot at home too. He makes Kevin laugh a lot. I, on the other hand, have become the disciplinarian and am getting the job of making him do the things he needs to get done, like homework and picking up his stuff. I'm the bad guy! Daddy's the fun one! This summer that will change when we go spend some time with my mom in the mountains. Then I'll have to be the fun one too! :D

SilverMonk said...

Hi Ginger, thanks for you comment, its been very much appreciated! ( not sure is the right grammar?!)

The young man is a bit of an all- rounder , i think!

I am definitely the bad guy in the house- the nickname I give myself is "the time keeper"~ time to go to bed, time to have a bath, time to practice piano, time to.......

What a great way to spend summer~ in the mountain!
